
LastPass is a password manager that is available on desktop and mobile. It allows you to sort your accounts into categories, generate passowords, use biometrics to unlock accounts and more.


Visual design
UX research

My role

Competitor research
UX design



Research and Design Methodology

1. User research and contextual inquiry
2. Affinity Mapping
3. Personas, User Flows, Journey Maps
4. Lo-Fi Wireframes
5. Hi-Fi Wireframes
6. Prototypes in Invision

The Problem

LastPass is a powerful password protection product that provides for the especially growing need for privacy. However, after integrating the app into the day-to-day workflow, some features felt very cumbersome to use.  The redesign was unsolicited, so it’s strictly based on user interviews and research.

In order to understand what users find important, we looked at reviews of several password managers. We learned that security is a major concern and potential deciding factor as to whether a user decides to use and/or trust a password manager. We learned that the LastPass iOS mobile application lacks visibility, consistency, and feedback. Specifically, users lacked knowledge whether LastPass was running in the background (visibility), many users had difficulty with the autofill feature prompting them to input passwords (consistency), and users were unaware whether they properly saved or uploaded passwords successfully (feedback).

35- 40
Career Coach

Keith is a busy career coach in Denver, CO who likes to use various social media platforms to promote his business. He cannot remember all his passwords and as a result, he needs a secure way to manage all his passwords.

Pain Points: He is confused by the vague on boarding process which make him uncomfortable entering personal information.

Software Developer

Veronica is a software developer and has used LastPass on desktop for about two years. She downloaded LastPass on her iOS device to keep her passwords in one place however her user flow is interrupted by LastPass whenever she wants to log in.

Pain Points: Last Pass is not intuitive and Veronica has to return to LastPass app to get the username and password for the apps she wants to log into

Initial Sketches

Creating Hi-Fi Mockups

After creating personas, journey maps, and initial sketches, it was important to fully implement the findings into the mockups to best accommodate user needs.

1. Create on boarding that is easy to understand
2. Make LastPass present in the log in process without a dramatic interruption in the user flow

What improvements have been made?

1.Auto Fill Feature: Autofill is a major feature of the LastPass application. Users can save their passwords onto LastPass with no hassle.

2.Security Setting: Security is the deciding factor for if a customer chooses to use LastPass or not. The initial on board process will provide clear and concise direction on how security works and how its executed.

3. Clear Directions: The original LastPass did not guide users through and did not provide explicit directions on how to use it. Improvements have been made on the directions. Users can now follow along step by step.